COP24 Special Contents
COP24 Special Contents
- Presentation materials have been uploaded in the List of OECC side events for COP24. (18 December, 2018)
- COP24 Photo Report started. (4 December, 2018)
- List of OECC side events for COP24 has been updated. (30 November, 2018)
- OECC submitted the following recommendations to the Minister of the Environment, Japan in preparation for COP24: “Recommendations for Further Development of Climate Change Policies toward a Sustainable Future”. (28 November, 2018)
- “COP24 Special Contents” has been started. (12 November, 2018)
▼List of OECC side events for COP24
List of OECC side events for COP24, Katowice, Poland, 2-14 December 2018
Members of OECC will organize and/or participate in 8 side events and 1 exhibition booth in COP24.
Prof. Dr. Takemoto (President), Mr. Kato (Board Member/Principal researcher), Mr. Iemoto (Principal researcher), Dr. Matsuda (Senior researcher) will give presentations and play active role as facilitator/moderator in these side events.
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
Venue | Title | OECC Staff |
1st Week | |||
3 Dec (Mon) – 8 Dec (Sat) 10:00-18:00 |
Exhibition Area | UNFCCC COP24 Exhibition Booth (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)/OECC exhibition booth. | Mr. Jun Watanabe Researcher |
4 December | |||
4 Dec 10:30-12:00 |
Japan Pavilion | MOEJ/OECC side event
Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto, President / Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher / Mr. Jun Watanabe, Researcher |
4 Dec 13:00-14:30 |
Japan Pavilion | MOEJ/OECC side event |
Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto, President / Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher / Dr. Emiko Matsuda, Senior Researcher / Mr. Noboru Zama, Researcher |
4 Dec 15:00-16:30 |
Japan Pavilion | MOEJ/DTFA side event |
Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher / Dr. Emiko Matsuda, Senior Researcher * will participate as panelists |
2nd Week | |||
11 December | |||
11 Dec (Tue) 13:30-15:00 |
Thai Pavilion | TGO/JICA/OECC side event “Accelerate Climate Actions in ASEAN Member States through the Role of Capacity Building” |
Mr. Satoshi Iemoto, Principal Researcher |
11 Dec (Tue) 16:15-17:30 |
Japan Pavilion | MOEJ/OECC/WRI side event |
Dr. Emiko Matsuda, Senior Researcher / Ms. Naoko Iwakami, Senior Planning Officer / Ms. Naoko Mori, Research Associate |
13 December | |||
13 Dec (Thu) 14:45-16:00 |
Japan Pavilion | JICA/TGO/OECC side event |
Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher / Mr. Satoshi Iemoto, Principal Researcher |
13 Dec (Thu) 18:30-20:00 |
Room: Narew | UNFCCC official side event by Viet Nam/OECC |
Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher |
14 December | |||
14 Dec (Fri) 10:30-12:00 |
Japan Pavilion | Mr. Satoshi Iemoto, Principal Researcher |
as of 20 November, 2018
1st Week
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
3 Dec (Mon) – 8 Dec (Sat) 10:00-18:00 |
Venue | Exhibition Area |
Title | UNFCCC COP24 Exhibition Booth (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)/OECC exhibition booth. |
OECC Staff | Mr. Jun Watanabe Researcher |
4 December
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
4 Dec 10:30-12:00 |
Venue | Japan Pavilion |
Title | MOEJ/OECC side event “Scaling-up energy projects in Asia to trigger NDC implementation -Replicating success stories from the JCM and the GCF for applying innovative technologies and finance-“
OECC Staff | Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto, President / Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher / Mr. Jun Watanabe, Researcher |
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
4 Dec 13:00-14:30 |
Venue | Japan Pavilion |
Title | MOEJ/OECC side event “Examination of cooperative efforts to three global agendas on adaptation: Paris Agreement, SDGs and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction” |
OECC Staff | Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto, President / Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher / Dr. Emiko Matsuda, Senior Researcher / Mr. Noboru Zama, Researcher |
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
4 Dec 15:00-16:30 |
Venue | Japan Pavilion |
Title | MOEJ/DTFA side event “Promoting the Formulation of Projects for the Global Climate Finance” |
OECC Staff | Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher / Dr. Emiko Matsuda, Senior Researcher * will participate as panelists |
2nd Week
11 December
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
11 Dec (Tue) 13:30-15:00 |
Venue | Thai Pavilion |
Title | TGO/JICA/OECC side event “Accelerate Climate Actions in ASEAN Member States through the Role of Capacity Building” |
OECC Staff | Mr. Satoshi Iemoto, Principal Researcher |
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
11 Dec (Tue) 16:15-17:30 |
Venue | Japan Pavilion |
Title | MOEJ/OECC/WRI side event “Promoting the private sector engagement through the Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for co-Innovation (PaSTI)” |
OECC Staff | Dr. Emiko Matsuda, Senior Researcher / Ms. Naoko Iwakami, Senior Planning Officer / Ms. Naoko Mori, Research Associate |
13 December
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
13 Dec (Thu) 14:45-16:00 |
Venue | Japan Pavilion |
Title | JICA/TGO/OECC side event “Accelerating Readiness and Implementation of NDCs in Southeast Asia -The Role of Regional Capacity Building and Collaboration-“ |
OECC Staff | Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher / Mr. Satoshi Iemoto, Principal Researcher |
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
13 Dec (Thu) 18:30-20:00 |
Venue | Room: Narew |
Title | UNFCCC official side event by Viet Nam/OECC “Revising NDCs: stakeholder participation, capacity building and climate finance for implementation” |
OECC Staff | Mr. Makoto Kato, Principal Researcher |
14 December
Date & Time (local time in Poland) |
14 Dec (Fri) 10:30-12:00 |
Venue | Japan Pavilion |
Title | |
OECC Staff | Mr. Satoshi Iemoto, Principal Researcher |
COP24 Photo Report
Photos from the COP24, Katowice, Poland
You can see more photos at our Google Photo.

JCM Partner Countries’ Meeting

Minister of the Environment (JPN) & Minister of BAPPENAS (IDN)

President of COP24 @ Plenary

Happy end after hard negotiations!