
Ocean Protection

International Approaches to Marine Environmental Protection

In recent years, marine pollution caused by dumping of waste, industrial and domestic wastewater entering the ocean, in addition to rising seawater temperatures due to climate change, are growing causes for concern. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include the reduction of marine pollution from land-based sources whilst the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted the “30X30 target” (30% of Earth’s land and sea to be conserved by 2030). However, developing countries have made little progress in implementing measures related to water quality. OECC supports the Ministry of the Environment, Japan by arranging expert presentations and opinion-exchange events in developing countries, as well as organizing seminars in Japan, as part of our efforts to conserve the marine environment.


Activities Abroad: Support for Organizing Opinion-exchange Meetings and Seminars on Marine Plastic Litter at Environment Week

Marine pollution caused by marine plastic litter is a problem all over the world. OECC is serving as the secretariat for ‘Environment Week’, an event jointly held by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan and relevant ministries and agencies from developing countries. Each year since 2020, OECC has supported the exchange of opinions and the holding of seminars on waste management, including marine plastic litter, to encourage developing countries to strengthen their measures.


Activities in Japan: Organizing Seminars for the Public on the Issue of Marine Plastic Litter

In the EU, initiatives such as the formulation of a ‘Plastics Strategy’ towards zero disposable plastics are underway. In Japan, the ‘Plastic Resource Recycling Strategy’ was formulated in 2019, and significant progress is being made. OECC organized joint public seminars on marine plastic litter in 2020 and 2023 with the Sustainable Society Promotion Consultant Association. These forums shared the latest developments in Japan and abroad, as well as intensive discussions with policymakers and experts from the Ministry of the Environment, Japan and other related organizations.